1. Indian Forest Research Institute → Dehradun
2. Indian Wildlife Research Institute → Dehradun
3. Central Bird Research Institute → Izzatnagar
4. National Environmental Research Institute → Nagpur
5. National Camel Research Institute → Bikaner
6. National Geophysical Research Institute → Hyderabad
7. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute → Nagpur
8. Indian Council of Agricultural Research → New Delhi
9. Indian Institute of Soil Science → Prayagraj
10. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research → Bangalore
11. Indian Forest Survey Center → Dehradun
12. National Museum of Natural HistoryNew → Delhi
13. Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History → Coimbatore
14. Botanical Survey of India → Kolkata
15. Zoological Survey of India → Kolkata
16. National Forestry Research Institute → Jhansi
17. Central Desert Research Institute → Jodhpur
18. Indian Meteorological Institute → New Delhi
19. Indian Meteorological Observatory → Pune
20. Institute of Bacterial Technology → Chandigarh
21. National Institute of Botany → Lucknow
22. Central Mining Research Center → Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
23. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology → Kolkata
24. Central Fuel Research Institute → Jaduguda (Jharkhand)
25. Central Soil and Salinity Research Institute → Karnal